
Twitter for On-Line Scheduling or What?
Get it While it’s Hot! Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan on Twitter, and chrisbrogan.com on his blog), is a person we suggested you follow on Twitter in our recent Twitter blog post . He just tweeted a very hot idea he found on Mr. Tweet (don’t ask…we’ll explain later). Within hours it’s been retweeted over 200 times […]
Beauty PR Opportunities Galore this Weekend
We’ll See you There. If you’re within reach of getting to the 2009 International Salon & Spa Expo in Long Beach, CA this weekend (Jan 31-Feb 2), we strongly suggest you get a move on and get there. ISSE is a golden opportunity to gather up great PR material and opportunities for you, and your […]
What You Need to Know About the Beauty PR Process
In our role as beauty PR specialists, Sharon and I keep an eye on several different worlds: The world of beauty and fashion. The world of esthetics and spas. The world of writers and editors (business, beauty & grooming, lifestyle, etc). The PR universe (buzz and trends in PR). Just as you read your industry […]

What Not to do in Public Places
Where Am I? Have you ever been at a beauty industry event, sitting in the crowded and noisy hotel restaurant, having a ‘private’ conversation with a friend, and catch yourself sharing a thought above the din you would never want someone else to hear? Oops. Good thing no one heard that. Or did they? An […]

PR isn’t Just About Media
We often forget that PR strategically impacts every level of our organizations. It’s not only about the consumer or your client, it’s about your staff too. After all, it’s their perceptions, attitudes and actions that ‘color’ your client’s lives as well as their hair every day (pardon the pun). There’s not much for me to […]
Are You Twittering?
Ouch! I’ve been a fuddy-duddy (Bet you haven’t heard that word in a while). I first heard about Twitter well over a year or so ago and my immediate reaction was, “puleeeze … another texting toy” having nothing to do with salon, spa or beauty pr, and gave it no more thought than that. I […]

Do-it-Yourself Public Relations?
When you get down to it, that’s what BeautyPRpro is about. Sharon and I share what we know to get you on the right road, examine other industries for thought-provoking ideas to share, and offer up some inspiration to grow your confidence to go out there and get ’em yourself. It’s all about advancing your […]
Life-Changing PR for Salon & Spa Owners – Ready for Download
“Life-Changing PR” for Salon & Spa Owners A promise is a promise. All our new subscribers will now find a direct download link to their copy of “Life-Changing Public Relations for Salon & Spa Owners” in their email verification reply. Whew! It took a while to get that one finished. Thanks for waiting. We hope […]

Good Salon PR -‘One’ Resolution Away – Just Do It!
Happy New Year To You All! Are you any good at keeping New Year Resolutions? We suspect not. Like you, we used to make a bunch of those every year, with truly the best of intentions, only to find the newly-minted days slipping by once again. We were ‘consumed’ by daily life robbing our time […]

Ever Have a Swishing Party?
PR ‘old timers’ (sorry about that) as well as ‘newbies’ should always be hunting for ‘newsworthy’ ideas, tips and tricks of the trade. Staying fresh and interesting for the media (and your clients) is not easy. It demands not only rummaging around in your own brain and brainstorming with your staff, but reaching out and […]