Life-Changing PR for Salon & Spa Owners – Ready for Download

Posted by Alexander Irving under General

“Life-Changing PR” for Salon & Spa Owners

A promise is a promise.  All our new subscribers will now find a direct download link to their copy of “Life-Changing Public Relations for Salon & Spa Owners” in their email verification reply. Whew!  It took a while to get that one finished.  Thanks for waiting.

We hope you find our first eBook of value.  Although it’s written with a slant towards those with less experience than others, we hope we’ve included enough good tips and ideas that everyone will find something useful among the pages.  Perhaps our version of back-to-basics will help inspire us more established industry denizens tasked with our own never-ending task of re-invention.

Do Share Your eBook Copy — It’s Free.

It doesn’t do anyone any good unless it is shared. We wrote it for that exact purpose. Last summer, during our discussions about what should be, Sharon and I promised each other (and later on, you) that everything that goes up on this blog had to have two important ingredients ─ One, it had to have ‘real value’ for subscribers; and two, it had to reflect a message for the continued growth of ‘professionalism’ in our industry.  We intend to keep that promise . . . with an occasional ‘silly’ or funny along the way.  ‘Life-Changing PR. . . ‘  is an important first stepping-stone in the fulfillment of our promise.

A ‘Charter Subscriber’ Surprise This Spring

We will be designing something ‘special’ for our charter subscribers to be announced this spring.  What’s a charter subscriber?  If you subscribed since soft launch, it’s you.  (We’ve arbitrarily picked the period of through the first three months of 2009 – deadline March 31, 2009.)  Truthfully, we haven’t figured out exactly what the surprise will be just yet, but you can certainly count on the fact that it will be both fun and useful.

Having completed our first eBook, we are starting compilation of our next BPRP project . . . a tool for any PR maven, a ‘contact list’ of publications serving the industry with contact data for each editor and writer.  Having a current list of where to send press materials will be of value to the less experienced among us.  For those with more experience it will be something to compare lists with to see who we might be missing.  From the editorial side, it may help cut down the ‘mass mailing’ approach many have used where everyone sends everything to everybody at the magazine or website.  Consumer magazines list to follow that.

We Want To Hear From You.

We greatly appreciate any of your comments or criticisms on Life-Changing PR (or anything else that’s important to you).  It can only get better with your input.  We promise not to cry loud enough for anyone to hear 🙂

Have a great 2009.

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