What Not to do in Public Places
Where Am I?
Have you ever been at a beauty industry event, sitting in the crowded and noisy hotel restaurant, having a ‘private’ conversation with a friend, and catch yourself sharing a thought above the din you would never want someone else to hear? Oops. Good thing no one heard that. Or did they?
An article (taken down from his blog in January, 2013) by former CBS News Correspondent David Henderson reminded me of our earlier post about the web is a sticky place.
Remember Where You Are.
When we first start using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, making comments on blogs, or any of the other web connection resources, we’re tentative and cautious, unfamiliar with the interface and always aware of the public forum we are in where ‘everyone’ can overhear what we are saying. After a while, with familiarity and fun, we get more comfortable and casual. Our words and conversations in posts, tweets or blog comments fall out more easily and top-of-mindedly. It feels private though and It’s easy to forget that ‘stuff’ you write is very public. What you write on a ‘Wall’ on Facebook with a setting of ‘friends of friends can view’ , travels far and wide. Your blog comments are permanent record over which you have no control. Your Tweets are available to anyone to grab out of the ‘ether’, like our poor friend above.
Blessing and Curse
We love our new connectivity with our industry buddies and making new friends and connections around the world, but lesson learned … our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Blog posts are not only read by many circles of people and easily passed along, they live on Google for a long, long time. It may feel private, but it’s a small town. Everybody knows you … and your business when you ‘speak’ about it in that restaurant. Once again … “let’s be careful out there”.
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