10 ‘Don’t Be’ PR Tips – Perception Counts

Posted by Sharon Esche Irving under Building Authority, Consumer Editorial, Editorial Insights, Facebook, General, Getting Started, How-To, Industry Opportunities, Networking, New Media, Ramblings, The PR Mindset, Tips & Tricks

How Are You Perceived? Beauty industry old-timer or fresh-faced newcomer … this is for you. Public relations helps to shape and cultivate how others perceive you.  But before you can focus your ‘public relations’ on others you need to shape and cultivate your story for yourself and be able to tell it effectively.  That means […]

Salon Pro Facebook ‘Sins’ – Part I

Posted by Alexander Irving under Facebook, General, How-To, New Media, Salon Marketing, Strategy, Tips & Tricks

Do You Use a Personal Facebook Profile for your Salon Industry Business? Many salon pros (and businesses) are using their Facebook personal profile for their professional side. You may have originally chosen to use your personal profile because: You could send ‘friend requests’ to anyone you wish (who will friend you back). You could comment […]

What’s Your Excuse?

Posted by Alexander Irving under Blogging, Building Authority, Consumer Editorial, Editorial Insights, Email, Facebook, General, Getting Started, How-To, In-Salon Event Ideas, Industry Opportunities, Networking, New Media, News Releases, Photography, Ramblings, Salon Marketing, Strategy, The PR Mindset, Tips & Tricks, Trends, Twitter, Unique Promotions, Your website

Some writings resonate We’ve heard every reason and excuse in the book for salon professionals not doing anything about their PR. “I can’t afford to hire a PR agency.“, or, I can’t afford monthly commitments“.  Those two have always been the biggies. Well we’ve figured that one out for you. Check out PR a la […]

And the ABCH Winners Are …..

Posted by Sharon Esche Irving under Building Authority, Editorial Insights, Facebook, General, How-To, Industry Opportunities, Networking, News Releases, Salon Marketing, Strategy, The PR Mindset, Tips & Tricks

Drum Roll Please We’re announcing the winners 🙂 Were you in our “Make Your Clients Raving Facebook Fans” classes at the ABCH ‘Energizing Summit’ on June 12th? If so, you got the secret password to enter our June 19th drawing for a complimentary Day of ‘Ultimate Imaging’ for you and your business.  That’s a full […]

Should Your Salon/Spa/Beauty Store be Using Facebook Places?

Posted by Alexander Irving under Facebook, General, How-To, New Media, Tips & Tricks

Our answer is a resounding … Why not?  It’s easy to set up, and although most mobile check-in services are primarily populated by younger, web-savvy techies (only 1- 4% of the on-line adult population according has used the leading on-line check-in service), location-based marketing is still the hot ‘comer’ and early adopters will profit from […]

So You Think You Can FaceBlogTwitLink?

Posted by Alexander Irving under Blogging, Building Authority, Facebook, General, Getting Started, How-To, New Media, Strategy, Tips & Tricks, Twitter

Social Media is Excellent PR We recently shared some knowledge with our class at the American Board of Certified Haircolorists (ABCH) Educational ‘Summit’.  For us it was a snapshot of 40 education-hungry colorists and what they knew about using social media to help them promote their business.  Only a few understood it much at all. […]