Author: Sharon Esche Irving
10 ‘Don’t Be’ PR Tips – Perception Counts
How Are You Perceived? Beauty industry old-timer or fresh-faced newcomer … this is for you. Public relations helps to shape and cultivate how others perceive you. But before you can focus your ‘public relations’ on others you need to shape and cultivate your story for yourself and be able to tell it effectively. That means […]

A Shout-Out to our NAILERATTI as Fashion Trailblazers
The ‘Naileratti’ With New York Fashion Week (Feb. 7-11) upon us, and nail fashion coverage sharing the media spotlight, what better time to pay tribute to our talented nail peers and pioneers. They are the Naileratti (my term) … those who have turned the heads and earned the respect of the world’s leading fashion designers […]

Your Salon VIP Card – The Media Attractor Factor
What’s a VIP Card? It’s a sure-fire way to catch the attention of your local media. Looking and feeling like a credit card, a salon VIP card is a ‘flexible’ discount device for salon or spa services and/or product purchases. Although you will think of many other uses, our focus is on how you can […]

And the ABCH Winners Are …..
Drum Roll Please We’re announcing the winners 🙂 Were you in our “Make Your Clients Raving Facebook Fans” classes at the ABCH ‘Energizing Summit’ on June 12th? If so, you got the secret password to enter our June 19th drawing for a complimentary Day of ‘Ultimate Imaging’ for you and your business. That’s a full […]

Seize the PR Moment!
Cosmetology Leads Among Respected Professions. Those of you that chose the career of ‘cosmetology’ can hold your heads up even higher these days. We know you have often had to endure annoying public opinion, comment, and yes … even sarcasm about having chosen to be a hairdresser. Well, now there’s some solid career data to […]

Top 10 Tips For Beauty Career Success
I love meeting amazing and straightforward people like Thia Breen. She lifts me up with her own phenomenal beauty career success story but stops me cold with forehead-slapping simple solutions to ‘OPSCOCC’ – other people’s self-created overly-complicated career challenges! (my term, not hers <g>) How does Thia know about all that? She was one of […]

10 Deadly Sins Against Positive PR Perception
How Are You Perceived? Public relations helps to shape and cultivate how others perceive you. But before you can focus your ‘public relations’ on others you need to shape and cultivate your story for yourself and be able to tell it effectively. That means you need to envision ‘yourself’ clearly. Then, and only then, can […]

Cool Salon/Spa PR Ideas to Sizzle Up Your Summer!
Slow Summer? Not Here It’s great to see salons and spas taking on the recession’s summer season with some sizzlin’ hot PR ideas that your clients – and the media – think are just plain ‘cool’. Gone are the days when the term ‘slow summer’ in the salon was expected, and accepted until the ‘back […]

Getting Passionate About Your industry – WOW!
Alex and I Are Passionate About Our Industry. We thought we’d share some of that with you in this post. It’s something we volunteer for and a good example of how industry volunteerism is valuable for building your personal brand. Yes, we do heed our own advice 🙂 I’m Still on a High What am […]

Keep Local Press Focus On You – 10 ‘To Do’s & ‘To Don’ts’
No Matter How Busy You Get With Other Things, Keep Your Sights on the Local Press – And They’ll Keep Their Sights On You! It doesn’t matter how many salons or spas are in your town – you need to stay creative in keeping in touch with your local newspapers, magazines, anchors, and TV segment […]