Do-it-Yourself Public Relations?
When you get down to it, that’s what BeautyPRpro is about. Sharon and I share what we know to get you on the right road, examine other industries for thought-provoking ideas to share, and offer up some inspiration to grow your confidence to go out there and get ’em yourself. It’s all about advancing your public persona and salon/spa business without your having to hire a full-time Beauty PR firm right off the bat, and in the process, learning what you need to know to look for in a PR group down the road.
What’s in it for us? You get to know how we think and work. If you have found our beauty industry experience, advice and counsel have brought you good results, we stand a good chance to be ‘in the running’ for your business down the road when you want some good strategy, brains and brawn because you can’t handle all the good coverage you are getting 🙂 .
The Case for DIY PR.
We were ‘twittering’ around and began to ‘follow’ a very worthy to follow blogger named Guy Kawasaki (How to Change the World: A practical blog for impractical people. (See our note below) The first post our twitter lead pointed to was an interview with Margie Gable Fisher, The Top Ten Reasons Why PR Doesn’t Work. The second was a response follow-up post by Glenn Kelman of the tech and real estate industry who makes a strong case for why DIY PR is a very good idea! Although tech and real estate are far from salon and spa, the same basic rules and logic apply. Read both … Evaluate. Both make valid points. We couldn’t have said it better.
Note: Check out how Guy makes sure he gets plenty of photos of himself and other notables at an industry show to use after the event? See Seeing A Beauty Industry Event Through The Eyes Of A Beauty PR Pro.
A Note for Beginning Blog Readers about Trackbacks and Comments
When you follow the above links, DO follow the trackbacks and comments on the author’s post after reading it. There are many others out there sharing PR expertise and experience.
What say you?
P.S. Drop by and follow us on Twitter at ‘sharonandalex’. Don’t Twitter? Perhaps you should. Read our next post?
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