Beauty PR Opportunities Galore this Weekend
We’ll See you There.
If you’re within reach of getting to the 2009 International Salon & Spa Expo in Long Beach, CA this weekend (Jan 31-Feb 2), we strongly suggest you get a move on and get there. ISSE is a golden opportunity to gather up great PR material and opportunities for you, and your salon/spa.
But before you pack and go, read Sharon’s top 10 PR suggestions for getting the most out of an industry event posted just prior to the International Haircolor Exchange (IHE). Do a little homework.
Most important ─ go to the event with a plan in hand for your PR needs. Of course you should shop for ‘show specials’, of course you’ll want to attend many great educational programs, and have fun at the other show events you usually do … but this time, ‘do something different’. Schedule a couple of hours of your show day on your future PR needs. There’s nothing sadder than missed opportunities.
What are your thoughts about how to get the most out of attending beauty events?
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