The PR Mindset

Are You a Self-Sabotaging Salon Pro?
Just talk … It’s upsetting. … and it always makes us sad. The wishers … the dreamers …. the pretenders … the talkers …. so very few actual starters. So many stylists talk a good game. They talk about about stepping out from the crowd. They talk about what they are going to do for […]

And the ABCH Winners Are …..
Drum Roll Please We’re announcing the winners 🙂 Were you in our “Make Your Clients Raving Facebook Fans” classes at the ABCH ‘Energizing Summit’ on June 12th? If so, you got the secret password to enter our June 19th drawing for a complimentary Day of ‘Ultimate Imaging’ for you and your business. That’s a full […]

How To Become an ‘Overnight’ Salon PR Success
“The World is Filled with Talented, Poor Dreamers” We don’t remember who gets attribution for that quote, but our BeautyPRpro header copy above reflects how we feel about that headline. Several thousand years ago a Roman philosopher said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”. More recently, a guy named Samuel Goldwyn, a Hollywood […]

Magic Media Interview Moments-Are You Prepared?
Brushing Up Your Interview Skills Although this post is aimed a bit more at those who are newer to the game of getting media attention and what to do with it once you get it, we suspect a few old-timers could also use some brush-up on their interview skills as well. Only the questions might […]

3 Hot Ideas to Make You Cool News
Early Birds Get the Worms The media loves the ‘bleeding edge’. News is about ‘new’ after all. As always, it’s the ‘early bird that gets the worm’. In this case the ‘worm’ is neighborhood, industry, and even national news pickup. What’s the scoop? Geolocation, and QR codes … Smart Phone Technology and ‘smart’ marketing! It’s […]

Seize the PR Moment!
Cosmetology Leads Among Respected Professions. Those of you that chose the career of ‘cosmetology’ can hold your heads up even higher these days. We know you have often had to endure annoying public opinion, comment, and yes … even sarcasm about having chosen to be a hairdresser. Well, now there’s some solid career data to […]

Where Have All the Mentors Gone?
Opportunities for PR happen not only because you are a talented salon professional and send out interesting news and photo releases. They happen because you are a part of people’s lives doing things that distinguish you from others in the crowd. You are a respected member of the community … a player .. you do […]

Out with the Old, In with the New
You Recommend Clients Change their Look, Don’t You? “It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” — William Edwards Deming (1900–1993) Every hairdresser you know loves to be in the ‘news’ and to find a measure of fame … Why not? It’s a noble goal … and very doable for those willing to […]

Here is One for the Road
Our friend Jerry Tyler has an amazing attitude toward life, his career, his industry and his family. Sharon and I are proud to call Jerry a friend and applaud his many contributions over his 35 + years in the industry to the lives of so many professionals in the industry, from students to wizened old […]

Top 10 Tips For Beauty Career Success
I love meeting amazing and straightforward people like Thia Breen. She lifts me up with her own phenomenal beauty career success story but stops me cold with forehead-slapping simple solutions to ‘OPSCOCC’ – other people’s self-created overly-complicated career challenges! (my term, not hers <g>) How does Thia know about all that? She was one of […]