Out with the Old, In with the New

Posted by Alexander Irving under Editorial Insights, General, Getting Started, Ramblings, Strategy, The PR Mindset, Tips & Tricks

You Recommend Clients Change their Look, Don’t You?

“It is not necessary to change.  Survival is not mandatory.”
William Edwards Deming (1900–1993)

Every hairdresser you know loves to be in the ‘news’ and to find a measure of fame … Why not?  It’s a noble goal … and very doable for those willing to plan for, invest in, and put the sweat equity into obtaining it.

You need a few basic ingredients of course … talent and skill, a personality, and a decent work ethic.  Of course that does sound like a whole lot of hairdressers you know who aren’t getting very ‘noticed’.  So there must be something else we haven’t mentioned yet.

No, we’re not talking about hiring PR and marketing gurus.  Of course it helps to have someone who knows the ropes, but that has more to do with ‘making a fuss’… more about that in a moment.  First you have to think ‘newsworthy’.

What’s News?

It’s not remarkable that if you drop the ‘s’ from the word ‘News’ you have the word ‘new’…  a discovery, something unique, something no one has heard or seen before, a ‘light’ people haven’t  seen you in previously …  something newsworthy.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve been ‘in the news’ and ‘famous’ before, although it does help during the ‘fuss’ process.

But, even if you’re previously famous, unless you’re doing something ‘new’, you aren’t ‘newsworthy’.  Unless you innovate, remake, redesign, reform, or re-something, you’re a retread.  You can’t repeat the same act to the same audience and expect them to be re-thrilled for long, no matter how famous you are.  Once they’ve seen your act, you’re pretty much done.

Photo by Phil Hawksworth

Change and Innovation are Mandatory

The world is pulling out ahead of all of us, all the time.  Innovation comes fast and furiously all around us.  ‘New’ concepts and technologies are emerging everywhere.  So what do we have to do to become ‘newsworthy’?

Find one thing that pulls you out ahead in some way, somehow, if only for a moment … and while you have the lead, then make a big fuss so everyone around you notices.  Do that repeatedly every time you pull ahead for a moment and you begin to grow the circle of those paying attention to you.  You achieve ‘fame’ in an ever-widening circle.  It’s a process, not a rocket ride … BUT FIRST YOU MUST INNOVATE.

The Fuss

The fuss we keep referring to is the PR, advertising, and promotional processes … the mechanics of writing a good news release, telling a good story well, making phone calls to targeted local and/or national media, taking out ads, mailing promotional material, and in general doing whatever you can afford to do to share your story with as many people as you can reach every time you pull ahead for that moment.  Yes, of course it helps to have public relations and marketing people to help you make a fuss, but don’t expect them to be very successful retelling your ‘old’ story … that’s old news … save your money.

Bottom line

What you DO is the secret.  How you INNOVATE and REINVENT is paramount.  So before you spend your time and money making a fuss, decide what you are going to DO this year that is worth paying attention to.  If you’re going to spend money, spend it on someone that can help you see and do things differently.  Worst case … Just do one new thing in 2010.

It All Begins with a List and a Plan

  • What do I need this year?
  • What do I want to accomplish this year?
  • What worked for me last year?  What didn’t work for me?
  • What is my plan for this year?
  • Who can I hire to help me innovate?
  • What is my budget to innovate?
  • What is my timeline?

These are tough questions.  That’s why most people don’t make the effort. Those that do …  and at least try … have a chance at succeeding

Have a great new year  everyone!

Alex and Sharon

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Out with the Old … In with the New

“It is not necessary to change.Survival is not mandatory.”
William Edwards Deming(1900–1993)

Every hairdresser you know loves to be in the ‘news’ and to find a measure of fame … Why not?It’s a noble goal … and very doable for those willing to plan for, invest in, and put the sweat equity into obtaining it.

You need a few basic ingredients of course … talent and skill, a personality, and a decent work ethic.Of course that does sound like a whole lot of hairdressers you know who aren’t getting very ‘noticed’.So there must be something else we haven’t mentioned yet.

No, we’re not talking about hiring PR and marketing gurus.Of course it helps to have someone who knows the ropes, but that has more to do with ‘making a fuss’… more about that in a moment.First you have to think ‘newsworthy’.

What’s News?

It’s not remarkable that if you drop the ‘s’ from the word ‘News’ you have the word ‘new’…a discovery, something unique, something no one has heard or seen before, a ‘light’ people haven’tseen you in previously …something newsworthy.It doesn’t matter if you’ve been ‘in the news’ and ‘famous’ before, although it does help during the ‘fuss’ process.

But, even if you’re previously famous, unless you’re doing something ‘new’, you aren’t ‘newsworthy’.Unless you innovate, remake, redesign, reform, or re-something, you’re a retread.You can’t repeat the same act to the same audience and expect them to be re-thrilled for long, no matter how famous you are.Once they’ve seen your act, you’re pretty much done.

Change and Innovation are Mandatory

The world is pulling out ahead of all of us, all the time.Innovation comes fast and furiously all around us.‘New’ concepts and technologies are emerging everywhere.So what do we have to do to become ‘newsworthy’?

Find one thing that pulls you out ahead in some way, somehow, if only for a moment … and while you have the lead, then make a big fuss so everyone around you notices.Do that repeatedly every time you pull ahead for a moment and you begin to grow the circle of those paying attention to you.You achieve ‘fame’ in an ever-widening circle.It’s a process, not a rocket ride … BUT FIRST YOU MUST INNOVATE.

The Fuss

The fuss we keep referring to is the PR, advertising and promotional processes … the mechanics of writing a good news release, telling a good story well, making phone calls to targeted local and/or national media, taking out ads, mailing promotional material, and in general doing whatever you can afford to do to share your story with as many people as you can reach every time you pull ahead for that moment.Yes, of course it helps to have public relations and marketing people to help you make a fuss, but don’t expect them to be very successful retelling your ‘old’ story … that’s old news … save your money.

Bottom line

What you DO is the secret.How you INNOVATE and REINVENT is paramount.So before you spend your time and money making a fuss, decide what you are going to DO this year that is worth paying attention to.If you’re going to spend money, spend it on someone that can help you see and do things differently.Worst case … Just do one new thing in 2010.

It All Begins with a List and a Plan

  • What do I need in 2010?
  • What do I want in 2010?
  • What worked for me last year?What didn’t work for me?
  • What is my plan FOR 2010?
  • Who can I hire to help me innovate?
  • What is my budget to innovate?
  • What is my timeline?

These are tough questions.That’s why most people don’t make the effort. Those that do …and at least try have a chance at succeeding

Have a great 2010 everyone.

Alex and Sharon


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