
Keep Local Press Focus On You – 10 ‘To Do’s & ‘To Don’ts’
No Matter How Busy You Get With Other Things, Keep Your Sights on the Local Press – And They’ll Keep Their Sights On You! It doesn’t matter how many salons or spas are in your town – you need to stay creative in keeping in touch with your local newspapers, magazines, anchors, and TV segment […]

Deadline for Free ‘Charter’ Subscriber Goodies – Monday, April 6th
Last Week to be a ‘Charter’ Subscriber When we first announced the March 31st midnight deadline for charter subscription to BeautyPRpro, we neglected to factor in that the Chicago “America’s Beauty Show” fell on this weekend and that many of you would be going to the show. So, we’ve extended the ‘charter subscriber’ deadline one […]

Facebook: Beyond Friend-Ups, Chats, Photos and New Business Pitches
I love having found so many industry friends from over the years whom I get to see and speak with all too rarely during the busy industry events we attend. I get to see your smiling (and occasionally silly photo) faces peering back at me from my Facebook dashboard and it makes me smile inside. […]

Publicity is to Public Relations as Public Relations is to Marketing – True or False?
Remember those kinds of relational questions in school? They forced you to think about how things really related to each other. That what this post is about because if you are clear on the relationship between PR and publicity you will be much more successful at the latter and you will have a ‘foundation’ for […]

Cutting Expenses in a Crazy Economy? “Don’t Cut Your PR!” Say Beauty Experts
As a ‘beauty PR pro’, I pray that businesses in the beauty industry don’t cut down on public relations when cutting down on expenses in this crazy economy. Imagine my ABSOLUTE DELIGHT to hear three top beauty professionals in the last couple of weeks literally answer my prayers (looks like I won’t have to quit […]

Newsworthy ‘Added Value’ for Your Clients – the Total ‘Look’
Here’s an example of creativity from a really ‘style smart’ blogsite www.thestylhouse.ca that … Doesn’t cost you a dime. Helps your clients get a total ‘look’. Develops a relationship with surrounding fashion- oriented boutiques you think would make good promotional partners AND Gives you something to crow about in the local media. What if you […]

‘Real’ Networking: Your New BFF in a Bad Economy
As a salon owner or independent contractor you grow your salon or spa business by bringing new clients into your fold. Local personal networking is a powerful tool to do that … if you do it right! Networking Has To Be ‘Real’ To Be Right! OK, I admit it. Even though I’m a publicist, I’ve […]

Trends – Launching Platform for Both PR and Salon/Spa Growth
Are You a Catalyst for Change? Back a while we posted Good PR in a Bad Economy. We looked at ‘catching the wave’ specifically relevant to consumers looking for ‘value-added. But, there are trends galore for you to capitalize on. You simply have to recognize them early on. If you’re seriously interested in gleaning more […]

The PR Power of Blogging for Salons
I Never Really Understood Blogging Our industry community got a later start with computers in our businesses and lives. That’s not a criticism, just a fact. It took our beauty industry sector longer than most others to adopt computers and use the internet as a daily part of salon/spa business and personal life. I speculate […]