Deadline for Free ‘Charter’ Subscriber Goodies – Monday, April 6th
Last Week to be a ‘Charter’ Subscriber
When we first announced the March 31st midnight deadline for charter subscription to BeautyPRpro, we neglected to factor in that the Chicago “America’s Beauty Show” fell on this weekend and that many of you would be going to the show. So, we’ve extended the ‘charter subscriber’ deadline one week until Midnight, Monday, April 6th... Hey! It’s our blog. We can do that!
Share BeautyPRpro with a Friend
If you feel your subscription to our blog has been of value to you and your salon or spa business, please recommend us to your friends. Suggest they subscribe to BeautyPRpro too. They still have a week to get in on the ‘charter subscriber’ action.
- Send them a copy of your ‘Life-Changing PR for Salon & Spa Owners’ as a starter with your note suggesting they subscribe. We wrote that eBook so people could understand what we were trying to do with our blog.
- Email a friend a copy of a blog post you found worthwhile. It’s easy. Use the ‘share this’ or ‘Email this’ in the footer of every blog post.
- Tie ’em down and threaten them :-).
Now for That Something Special
A promise is a promise. Hard to believe it’s been 6 months since our first post, “BeautyPRpro – It’s All About You!” on September 29th, 2008. Something we started as a fun and ‘nice to do’ project has become such an important part of our daily lives. Who knew blogging was this enjoyable … or so much work? Make no mistake. If you’re considering blogging to your clients, make sure what you have to say is valuable to them. You have to keep earning your right to arrive in their busy inbox and not be a boring ‘Deleted Items’ email.
OK. Here are the charter subscriber goodies.
- Every charter subscriber will receive a complete industry press contact list for the U.S. and Canada.
- Three lucky charter subscriber’s names will be drawn out of the ‘virtual’ barrel to receive:
- One FREE annual PR planning package (Value $3,000) consisting of:
- 5 hours of phone consultation time
- A goals, strategies and tactics outline
- An annual calendar of events
- An estimated budget requirements
- Two FREE news releases (Two winners, one release each) –Value $800 each
- One FREE annual PR planning package (Value $3,000) consisting of:
We’ll announce winner’s names after April 6th. If you are one of the three winners of our free services, you will have 30 days to call and claim your prize, then 90 days to take advantage of it.
Thank You
We’ve had the opportunity to speak with a number of you over the past months. We’ve worked with some of you on your PR planning, press kit development, and news release writing. We’ve enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing your PR successes (and not so successes) with us. There are lessons in it for everyone.
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If you found this article useful, get a free subscription to BeautyPRpro. You’ll receive a FREE copy of our ebook, “Life-Changing PR for Salon & Spa Owners” and receive each article post minutes after it hits the blog.
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Creative Common photo by Tracey O
Do I (FRIGE Hair Salon) qualify for the free Charter Subscription and how do I register?
Thank You,
Hi Scott,
Indeed you do qualify. Any new subscribers to the blog will be put into the hat next week plus get the salon trade editorial list. Just go to the subscribe widget on the right hand column at the top or the subscribe page and enter your email data. You’ll get a confirmation email making sure it’s you. You must reply to that and just click the link in there and you will be a subscriber. You will also receive our welcome letter with a link to the 27 page eBook, “Life-Changing PR for Salon and Spa Owners”. It’s a good start to follow along the mindset and activities we post about.
Have fun and we hope you find it valuable.
Alex & Sharon