Trends – Launching Platform for Both PR and Salon/Spa Growth
Are You a Catalyst for Change?
Back a while we posted Good PR in a Bad Economy. We looked at ‘catching the wave’ specifically relevant to consumers looking for ‘value-added. But, there are trends galore for you to capitalize on. You simply have to recognize them early on.
If you’re seriously interested in gleaning more media attention (and clients), you must be prepared to feed both of them what they are looking for. The media wants to know “what’s new” for the same reasons you do. In your case it’s to fascinate and keep your clients. In their case it’s to inform and keep their readers. Both of you do it by being the resource your client, and their reader, feels can bring them news of what’s new and next. As a ‘newsworthy’ salon professional, you know it’s your job (literally) to bring to both those groups knowledge of emerging trends and styles (and you thought you were a salon or spa owner).
To do that you need to regularly partake of what is ‘trending’ in the public eye and prepare to quickly capitalize on what you learned, in its early stages, before your competition beats you to the punch in your market, and in the news.
What you need are fresh ideas and things both your clients and the media haven’t heard a lot about yet. What you need are the resources to help you discover the early stage of trend and to flesh that information out in some way that works for you, your business and makes you the harbinger of that trend in your area.
Start here
Happy Trending!
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