Consumer Editorial

10 Deadly Sins Against Positive PR Perception
How Are You Perceived? Public relations helps to shape and cultivate how others perceive you. But before you can focus your ‘public relations’ on others you need to shape and cultivate your story for yourself and be able to tell it effectively. That means you need to envision ‘yourself’ clearly. Then, and only then, can […]

PR at its Best: Simple and Old-Fashioned
Today was unusual. We got a hand-written card in the mail. It stood out in the pile like a sore thumb. Hand-written, imagine that. Different … That took time. We went back into the house where we usually toss the mail on the kitchen table for opening later, but not today. We stayed together and […]

Cool Salon/Spa PR Ideas to Sizzle Up Your Summer!
Slow Summer? Not Here It’s great to see salons and spas taking on the recession’s summer season with some sizzlin’ hot PR ideas that your clients – and the media – think are just plain ‘cool’. Gone are the days when the term ‘slow summer’ in the salon was expected, and accepted until the ‘back […]
Compelling Copy Gets You Published
by Guest Poster Rosanne Ullman, contributing editor to Modern Salon, Salon Today, Renew, INOurSalon, FirstChair and firstchair.com. Visit her website at betterwritinggroup.com. Even before the current stream of layoffs, editors at newspapers, magazines and websites had little time to fix, plump up or pare down press releases in order to transform them into publishable articles. […]

Consistency Counts
Being Consistent. “Look to make your course regular, that men may know beforehand what they may expect.” – Francis Bacon Consistency means you are there, appearing at ‘regular intervals’ in the lives of your clients, and in the eyes of local editors and writers. You are someone they can “count on” seeing and hearing from. […]

Is Your Salon or Spa ‘Beloved’ in Your Community?
This post inspired by a recent discussion with 27 year salon industry veteran Robin Gribbin and charter beautyprpro subscriber prize winner Meghanne Gibbon Haran of You Salon in Maryland. Also, it was a recent question by a new salon owner in the Salon and Spa Business Forum on Facebook who asked, “How can I become […]

Keep Local Press Focus On You – 10 ‘To Do’s & ‘To Don’ts’
No Matter How Busy You Get With Other Things, Keep Your Sights on the Local Press – And They’ll Keep Their Sights On You! It doesn’t matter how many salons or spas are in your town – you need to stay creative in keeping in touch with your local newspapers, magazines, anchors, and TV segment […]

Cutting Expenses in a Crazy Economy? “Don’t Cut Your PR!” Say Beauty Experts
As a ‘beauty PR pro’, I pray that businesses in the beauty industry don’t cut down on public relations when cutting down on expenses in this crazy economy. Imagine my ABSOLUTE DELIGHT to hear three top beauty professionals in the last couple of weeks literally answer my prayers (looks like I won’t have to quit […]

Newsworthy ‘Added Value’ for Your Clients – the Total ‘Look’
Here’s an example of creativity from a really ‘style smart’ blogsite www.thestylhouse.ca that … Doesn’t cost you a dime. Helps your clients get a total ‘look’. Develops a relationship with surrounding fashion- oriented boutiques you think would make good promotional partners AND Gives you something to crow about in the local media. What if you […]
What You Need to Know About the Beauty PR Process
In our role as beauty PR specialists, Sharon and I keep an eye on several different worlds: The world of beauty and fashion. The world of esthetics and spas. The world of writers and editors (business, beauty & grooming, lifestyle, etc). The PR universe (buzz and trends in PR). Just as you read your industry […]