Money in Your Beauty Industry Pocket
Takes Only 30 Seconds
This is an unusual post for BeautyPRpro. We think you’ll understand why we deviate from our usual offerings when you read just a little more. The action we ask is simple.
Click this link and put a few extra bucks in your pocket. Well, not instantly, but eventually it means we will all will make a few sheckles more.
The link above is to send a message to your elected representatives to support the “Small Business Tax Equalization and Compliance Act” that has been introduced in the Senate.
This act provides the beauty industry businesses a dollar for dollar tax credit on FICA (social security and Medicare) taxes paid on employee tips.
Write a Letter? Nope, done for you.
The letter process is automated and took us all of 30 seconds.
The restaurant industry already has this, we don’t.
Here’s the link again
Any questions?
Visit probeauty.org/advocacy
Any questions? Visit probeauty.org/advocacy
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So, what does the “Small Business Tax Equalization and Compliance Act” actually say? I’m noy having any luck finding it?
BTW – Have a great hair day! 🙂
This should give you some more background Becci. http://pbawashingtonupdate.blogspot.com/2007/07/pba-scores-on-capitol-hill-fica-tax.html
Thank you for your interest in making us all aware of a pending bill in the Senate. I also want to add an additional comment that if you really want something bad enough a phone call is even more effective. I did that the other day and when the secretary gets all these calls it gets more attention. I have been finding this as I am rounding support for HR1489 Glass Steagall Act that is on the house floor. This bill will free our taxpayers from the burden of the 17 trillion debt we created to bailout all the investment banks. We do not want to support bad debts and reward the leaders that created them. We need this money for our economy, for business loans and for the advancement of our infrastructure. Call your Congressman. Thank you! This is how I am serving our country, please do the same.
Absolutely right Beverly. Many people who keep an eye on the news, pay attention to the political scene know who their Reps and Senators are both nationally and at the state level. Sadly, those are few and far between. You are the exception rather than the rule. I agree the phone is best. But for the vast majority of people who have little time, and many who don’t even understand the issue, a fast, convenient methodology nets results that are also counted.
Keep calling Beverly. I will too. But, also send a letter 🙂
Thanks for a knowledgeable reply.