Making Your Salon PR ‘Larger-Than-Life’ In a Smaller Market
Your ‘Appearance’ is a Basic Salon PR Ingredient
Salon Bogar in Londonderry, New Hampshire, http://www.salonbogar.com and http://www.facebook.com/salonbogar is a ‘brilliant’ example of how a salon owner with commitment and determination can:
- Re-image their salon without going broke.
- Make the internet and social media work harder.
- Motivate their staff.
- Expand and grow their connections with their clients.
- Get closer to their local press.
- Diversify product offerings to match their clientele’s wishes.
It all happened gradually and manageably over the past couple of years, in a tough economy, and (if you’ve visited their website already), the results speak for themselves. Larger than life? Spectacular looking? You be the judge.
Seems like Only Yesterday
Two to three years ago, Amy and Alfredo Lamparelli looked ahead at the future, their staff, their Aveda Concept Salon and tried to imagine it … better yet.
They had been an excellent, profitable, and client-retentive Aveda Concept salon for over 20 years. They did great work. Their clients loved them. But, the winds of change (technology and the economy) were afoot and were blowing through every aspect of their salon.
Website, client attraction and retention programs, promotion, advertising, PR and newsworthiness, staff training & motivation, cost-cutting, retail sales, physical plant improvements … only Amy and Alfredo know all the areas they spent time, money and effort on every day.
We Helped … But Just a Little
The morphing of the look and image of Salon Bogar into the new decade, new economy, new industry image, was an amazing journey for their salon … and a satisfying one for Sharon and I. So much more than a website make-over, photo shoot, local imaging, industry activism … their journey perfectly illustrates the process salons (and individual stylists) in smaller communities need to think about as they look ahead and decide if they want to be on the map in 10 years … or not.
We are looking forward to sharing what we know about Salon Bogar’s story over the past couple of years. Amy has agreed to write posts in a series over the months ahead and contribute as the true subject matter experts they are. So, stick around. Subscribe to the blog. Don’t miss a post. It’s FREE of course. We know you’ll learn a lot about what you need to do for yourself.
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