Get Out of the Salon and the Neighborhood
You’re a successful salon professional.
Your regular clients think you’re terrific and you are very good at what you do. That’s great! But you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t know there was more to be done.
Recall the adage, “Do what you always did, and you’ll get what you always got”? Getting ‘newsworthy’, locally, regionally or nationally, means you need to do extraordinary things. . . . activities, events and experiences others are not doing, or if they are, they’re not translating them into ‘grist’ for their PR mill.
Easy Authority
What can you do to help yourself be more newsworthy? One of the simplest is to travel.
- Travel professionally to learn more about your craft and network in your own industry.
- Travel to places to expand your education.
- Travel to meet new contacts in new places, and have new experiences and artistic inspirations.
Traveling away from your home market allows you to experience more of the breadth and depth of the professional beauty industry and you will bring all that knowledge back to use at home.
The Farther the Better
Perception is everything! The perception that you traveled far and wide for your knowledge and experience lends credibility to your image. Credibility is crucial and that’s what your PR should do best . . . grow your credibility as an authority. The more authority you possess, the more your opinion is sought, the easier it is to get the attention of the media, attract staff, and impress current and prospective clients.
Imagine if you were able to share your observations from a recent trip to the New York, London, Milan, or Paris Collections (No it’s not all to the trade only . . . some do allow the general public to purchase special passes to see the runway shows or attend expositions.)
How about attending the largest and most prestigious beauty industry show in the world -“Cosmoprof” in Bologna, Italy? You’ll see the industry as you never have before . . . Internationally.
Then there’s the American Board of Certified Haircolorist’s “Educational Summit”?in Los Angeles in June?
The Bottom Line
Of course, all industry collections, trade shows, and education are valuable for your professional growth, but remember to keep a look out for those ‘unique’ and smaller prestige events where you can garner extra ‘credibility’ to help you distinguish yourself from others.
Be alert for quality educational events, catering to smaller groups of dedicated salon professionals seeking more generic educational experiences. It only adds to your credibility with your clients, the media and your own staff.
Where Have You Been?
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