Don’t Neglect Great Opportunities to Get Good PR
All It Takes is an Hour or Two
Our whole raison d’etre here at BeautyPRpro is to share information and ideas to help you “get good at getting press”. Our job includes covering your back and bringing your attention back to remember those all-important fundamentals while you are distracted working on your local and national consumer press to fill those salon or spa chairs with paying clients. Yes, of course it’s local and national press that will help you do that, but don’t neglect your roots and industry credibility!
What you do in your industry, and what your industry says about you is fuel for credibility in your craft and that the consumer media needs and wants to see. Sorry, you have to do both.
Hey! It’s Really Not That Hard.
We found Stacey Soble, Editor, Salon Today Magazine twittering and facebooking away the other day and asked her if she would share a few tips on what you can do to get more of your ‘stuff” into Salon Today where the focus is on the business side of the salon business. Here’s what she said …
Thanks, Alex, I am happy to share some thoughts. In SALON TODAY we make it very easy. At the bottom of each department is a box that tells readers exactly what we are looking for and where to send the information. For example:
- In Marketing, we’re looking for examples of brochures, service menus, business cards and pamphlets.
- In Architects of Design, we’re looking for decor images and stories.
- In Asked and Answered, we actually post the question for the next month’s roundtable discussion.
- Our applications for SALONS OF THE YEAR and the SALON TODAY 200 include multiple essay questions designed to give us story ideas for our publications, websites and e-mail newsletters. One of the best ways to get coverage in our magazine is to fill out these applications. Even if a salon doesn’t win, they have a great chance at getting coverage through the year as we pour over the applications.
- For SALON TODAY, it’s all about sharing great business ideas that help owners grow — so any successful salon business strategy has the makings of a great story. Many of our features start with a press release or even an e-mail that simply shares an idea that worked for someone.
Final Thoughts
Stacey gave you a humongous clue about how most editors work when she discussed the applications in her next to last point. If you can get your credible, well written information in front of an editor somehow and make an impression, you are steps ahead. You don’t have to win immediately, you just have to look good and be smart. They save good stuff. They have magazines to get out to other salon pros looking to grow. You can become a subject matter expert, a quotable source, and a credible resource for them to use and share with others down the road. Isn’t that what you want? If they say things about you … you can quote them … and whoo hoo … you look good to area press..
Loved the article. Thank you for taking the time to share this information.
It’s what we do 🙂 Honored you follow and find the value here Sondra.
Cosmoprof was a great one. What a joy seeing Vivienne Mackinder get her lifetime achievement award. Got all misty 🙂